Vaughan Groups

Acquire proficiency in English with the Vaughan Method. Improve your
speaking and comprehension skills.


Group Classes (maximum 6 students) 
either in person or by videoconference.

 New groups starting every month.





Satisfied students each year
More than 3,000 students enrol in Vaughan Groups annually, improving their English and advancing their careers.


Student satisfaction rate
98.6% of our students have expressed they are satisfied or very satisfied with our teaching methods and results.


Students who recommend Vaughan Groups
96% of our students recommend Vaughan Groups for their effectiveness and quality.

Group Classes (maximum 6 students) taught by teachers trained in our unique method, designed to improve your fluency and verbal comprehension.

You can start whenever you like, and, based on your placement level test, you will be placed in a group that corresponds to your current learning needs.



What makes Vaughan Groups the right choice?

The Vaughan Method: The key to speaking and understanding English.

Clases personalizadas para todos los niveles

En Vaughan Groups, nos esforzamos por ofrecer una experiencia de aprendizaje personalizada para cada uno de nuestros estudiantes. Ya sea que estés comenzando tu viaje en el aprendizaje del inglés o estés buscando perfeccionar tus habilidades, nuestras clases están diseñadas para adaptarse a tus necesidades específicas. Nuestros programas incluyen evaluaciones iniciales para determinar tu nivel y objetivos, permitiendo a nuestros profesores personalizar las lecciones de manera efectiva.

Grupos Reducidos

En Vaughan Groups, las clases se imparten en grupos reducidos para garantizar una atención personalizada. Esto permite a cada estudiante participar activamente, recibir retroalimentación constante y avanzar rápidamente en su dominio del inglés.

Flexibilidad horaria y de modalidad

Entendemos que cada persona tiene un horario diferente y que la flexibilidad es clave para el éxito. Por eso, en Vaughan Groups ofrecemos tanto clases presenciales como por videoconferencia. Puedes elegir la modalidad que mejor se adapte a tu estilo de vida y necesidades. Nuestra plataforma de aprendizaje en línea es fácil de usar y te permite acceder a tus clases desde cualquier lugar.

Profesores nativos con experiencia

Nuestros profesores son hablantes nativos de inglés con amplia experiencia en la enseñanza. Utilizan métodos de enseñanza comunicativos y efectivos que han sido perfeccionados a lo largo de los años en Vaughan. Nuestros profesores no solo enseñan el idioma, sino que también transmiten la cultura y el contexto del idioma, lo cual es crucial para un aprendizaje completo.

Resultados garantizados

Nos enorgullecemos de los resultados que nuestros estudiantes han logrado a lo largo de los años. Utilizamos una metodología de enseñanza comprobada que garantiza que nuestros estudiantes progresen de manera significativa. Realizamos evaluaciones periódicas para seguir el progreso de cada estudiante y ajustar las lecciones según sea necesario para asegurar el éxito.

Apoyo y Recursos Adicionales

Además de las clases, ofrecemos una serie de recursos adicionales para apoyar tu aprendizaje a través de nuestra plataforma Vaughan Student World. Esto incluye acceso a Masterclasses, materiales didácticos, sesiones de tutoría individualizadas y actividades extracurriculares que fomentan el uso del inglés en contextos formales e informales.

clases persnalizadas

Verbal approach
The Vaughan Method emphasizes verbal practice and listening comprehension, enabling you to speak and understand English naturally and fluently.


Small groups for personalized attention.
Our small group classes ensure personalized attention, promoting active participation and continuous feedback. This learning environment helps the student to learn quicker.


Flexible Options in Mode and Schedule.
We provide both in-person and online classes with flexible schedules to fit your lifestyle. You can study from anywhere, choosing the format and schedule that best suit your needs.


Highly trained and qualified teachers
Our teachers are thoroughly trained in the Vaughan Method, dedicated to encouraging, motivating, and providing real-time corrections. You will receive constant feedback from our teachers.

Also, the price includes FREE:


Free Books and Educational Materials


Free access to the Vaughan Student World, platform, featuring exclusive Masterclasses and additional audiovisual material

After successfully finishing the course, obtain your Vaughan diploma. 


Certificación oficial gratuita con Oxford OTE
(Oxford Test of English).

Este año, en Vaughan Groups, te brindamos una oportunidad exclusiva para certificar oficialmente tu nivel de inglés mientras mejoras tus habilidades lingüísticas con nuestro método único. Al contratar nuestro curso anual, te regalamos el examen de certificación Oxford Test of English (OTE), una acreditación reconocida internacionalmente que evalúa tu competencia en inglés de forma precisa y confiable.

*Permanencia mínima en el programa de 6 meses. Promoción aplicable a alumnos hasta nivel B2. Para alumnos con nivel superior al B2 te regalamos el 50% de la cuota de junio de Vaughan Groups, ya que el examen para los niveles más avanzados requiere un curso de preparación previo. El examen se realizará a partir de la finalización del curso en junio y tienes hasta diciembre para examinarte en cualquiera de nuestras delegaciones Vaughan.

The Vaughan Method
Proven and effective.

The Vaughan Method is founded on constant interaction and intensive practice. From the very first day, you will be immersed in an English-only environment, which speeds up your learning and helps you gain fluency quickly. Additionally, our teachers correct mistakes in real time, ensuring you learn accurately and effectively. Our approach focuses on verbal communication, so you can express yourself confidently in any situation. This method, refined over 40 years, adapts to your pace and level, ensuring you progress towards your learning goals.

Join Vaughan Groups and discover how our method can transform your English proficiency.


Vaughan Groups

Vaughan Groups, is an engaging and enjoyable course designed to increase your English to the next level. Whether in-person or via videoconference, our classes are structured to ensure consistent and meaningful progress.


Course Formats and Schedules:
We provide both in-person and online classes with flexible schedules that fit your lifestyle. You can choose from morning, midday, or evening timetables. You have classes available that last 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, or 3 hours, once, twice, or three times a week, Monday to Saturday.

Level-Based Groups:
We have groups for all levels. We organize our groups with students who have a similar level of English. This is achieved through a placement test that we conduct before assigning you to a group. In this way, we ensure that you will be in an environment where all participants progress together, promoting participation and effective learning.

grupos por nivel
clases de inglés presenciales-modalidades

Duración y Estructura:
El curso se puede iniciar en cualquier momento del año, y la permanencia mínima para optar a la certificación oficial gratuita es de 6 meses. Las clases se imparten una, dos o tres veces por semana, con clases de 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5 ó 3 horas de duración.


Materials and Resources:

When you enrol in Vaughan Groups, you will have access to digital materials for the course, as well as access to our student portal, My Vaughan. Here, you can attend weekly Masterclasses and engage in challenges with other students to enhance your learning.

With Vaughan Groups, you have the flexibility to learn English while enjoying a dynamic and motivating environment.

Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your English with a proven and effective method.

Fill out the form to receive more information ----->

testimoniales a lo bruto dar formato 


    • "Desde que comencé con Vaughan Groups, mi confianza al hablar inglés ha mejorado notablemente. Las clases en grupo me han permitido practicar constantemente y recibir retroalimentación inmediata, lo que ha sido clave en mi progreso. Esto ha sido fundamental para avanzar en mi carrera y comunicarme con clientes internacionales."

    Laura G., Profesional en Marketing Digital, 32 años
  2. Testimonio 2:

    • Nombre: Carlos M., Estudiante Universitario de Ingeniería, 21 años
    • Palabras clave: "aprendizaje de inglés efectivo", "clases de inglés intensivas"
    • "El método Vaughan es increíblemente efectivo. Las sesiones son intensas pero amenas, y los profesores siempre están atentos a corregirnos en tiempo real. He notado una gran mejoría en mi fluidez desde que empecé el curso, lo cual me ha ayudado en mis estudios y en prepararme para oportunidades académicas en el extranjero."
  3. Testimonio 3:

    • Nombre: Ana R., Madre Trabajadora y Abogada, 38 años
    • Palabras clave: "flexibilidad de horarios", "clases de inglés online"
    • "Como madre trabajadora, la variedad de horarios y la modalidad  online por videoconferencia me ha permitido seguir aprendiendo inglés sin comprometer mi horario. Los recursos adicionales y las Masterclasses han sido un gran apoyo para reforzar lo aprendido en clase, lo que me ha permitido mejorar mi inglés de forma constante y efectiva."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Both types of class use the same dynamic teaching method and the same material. The only difference is one is online and the other in one of our centres around Spain
  • Your choice depends on your location, availability, and preferences. If you live in a city where Vaughan has a centre and would prefer face-to-face interaction, in-person classes are ideal. If you want the flexibility of being able to attend from anywhere or if you don't live near one of our centres, online classes offer the convenience of learning from home, or the office, with the same effectiveness.
  • Group classes encourage collaboration and interaction among students, which can be advantageous for boosting confidence in public speaking and practicing communication in real-life situations. However, the choice between group and individual classes depends on your specific goals and learning preferences.

  • Upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a Vaughan diploma.

  • Yes, you can start Vaughan Groups at any time of the year. There's no need to wait for the beginning of a new term, allowing you to start learning English whenever it suits you best.

  • In Vaughan Groups, we are dedicated to ensuring that each student is placed in the group that best suits their level. Our teachers continuously assess our students, and if at any point they believe it is necessary to change you to a more appropriate group, we will do. For us, the most important thing is that you get the most out of the course. In this way, we guarantee that you will always be in the most suitable environment to maximize your learning and effectively achieve your goals.

  • We provide a range of schedules to fit your lifestyle, including morning, midday, or evening options. This ensures you can find a time that suits your personal or professional needs.

  • In Vaughan Groups, all students in the group must have a similar level of English to maximize learning. Therefore, before starting, we conduct a placement test to assess your skills in different areas of the language, such as grammar, listening comprehension, and speaking. Based on the results, we assign you to a group where all students have a comparable level, facilitating active participation and collective progress. This approach ensures that each class is as effective as possible.

  • When you enrol in Vaughan Groups, you will have access to all the necessary digital materials for the course, as well as our student portal, My Vaughan, where you can enjoy weekly Masterclasses and additional resources to enhance your learning.

  • Our teachers are consistently monitoring your development, providing immediate feedback so you can improve in real-time.

  • The level you can achieve depends on your dedication and attendance in the course. Vaughan Groups provides an intensive and personalized approach that allows you to progress quickly, with many students reaching intermediate or advanced levels (B2 or higher) in less than a year. Additionally, our methodology is designed to enhance your fluency and confidence in speaking, preparing you for real-life situations in English, both personal and professional.

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